1 min read

Expect More From Yourself—And Watch What Happens

Expect more from yourself

The biggest limiter isn't necessarily the miles ahead, the weight on the bar, or the clock ticking down—it's the belief (or lack of it) inside your own head. If you don't expect more from yourself, why would you ever push past your current limits?

I see it all the time: runners who say, I could never run a marathon, lifters who claim, I'll never be strong enough for that, people who dismiss their goals before they've even given themselves a chance. But here's the thing—before you can do something, you have to expect that you can. Expectation sets the standard.

I've experienced this firsthand. When I was younger, I didn't think of myself as a natural runner. I ran because I had to, because it was part of the job. But over time, I started expecting more—more discipline, more endurance, more consistency. And when I started expecting more, I started doing more. Faster times, longer distances, bigger goals. Not because I suddenly became someone different, but because I gave myself permission to believe I could be.

Expectation doesn't mean blind confidence. It means showing up, putting in the work, and refusing to settle for good enough. If you want to improve, you have to first believe you're capable of improvement.

So, what's one thing you've told yourself you can't do? Expect more. Then take the first step to prove yourself right.

Keep moving forward!
